RG Foundation: Remember to Give™

Improving the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the world

Thank you for visiting our site and taking the time to learn about RG Foundation. We are dedicated to helping others by supporting nonprofit organizations that provide opportunities for youth and adults to gain the skills and experiences necessary to thrive, and to pursue their goals with self-confidence.

The stakes are high. Limited opportunity for too many young people results in dramatically lower life prospects for them and a worse quality of life for all of us as when People lives in poverty it affects the wellbeing of the whole community.

The RG Foundation is guided by a board of caring People working together to carry on the values of RG-IHG™.

Our Mission to achieve and vision

At RG-IHG™, we believe in working to reduce inequity as all lives have equal value. Everyone should never be abandoned to wander alone in poverty and darkness. A quality education is the foundation for self-sufficiency, preparing young people for success in life. Education is key to providing young people with the opportunities to achieve their dreams and overcome generational poverty.

We support organization that has evidence-based programs making dramatic educational gains for all students.

We Believe that:

  • The path out of poverty begins when all can access to a great education
  • By giving People the tools to lead healthy, productive lives, we can help them lift themselves out of poverty.
  • Inspiring People to take action by working together in our local communities can change the world
  • We believe that if we support community needs, people will be empowered and positive change will occur.

We hope you will be inspired, as we are, by the opportunity we have to make a difference in the lives of others less fortunate. We are committed to giving others to achieve their most ambitious dreams that can lead independent lives, being able to raise their family in a secure home and provide their children with nutritious food.

Thank you for your interest in our Foundation.

Each branded hotel is independently owned. All marks are Trade Marks of Asian Phoenix Hotel Management Co. Ltd. Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.

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